Hur kan olika innovationsprojekt inom offentlig sektor samarbeta för att stärka och accelerera innovation?
Vi bjuder in dig som arbetar inom offentlig sektor eller innovationssystemet till ett digitalt erfarenhetsmöte den 4 mars, där vi delar insikter från tre projekt i Norrland som samarbetade under en matchmaking i Umeå för att skapa största möjliga effekt.
Under erfarenhetsmötet kommer vi diskutera:
- Hur kan vi som ekosystem för innovation samarbeta för största möjliga effekt?
- Blir det inte svårare när vi ska samarbeta över projektgränserna?
Dessa tre projekt är:
Botnia Green Energy – Ett projekt som ska stimulera gränsöverskridande samarbete och investeringar i hållbara energilösningar i det geografiska området runt Kvarken. Det drivs bland annat av North Sweden Cleantech-plattformen, där Skellefteå Science City, Arctic Business, Piteå Science Park, Uminova Innovation och Bizmaker deltar.
Klimatfärdplanen – Ett projekt som drivs av Umeå kommun, där ett 60-tal aktörer ställer sig bakom kommunens lokala klimatmål, inklusive målet att Umeå ska vara klimatneutralt 2040.
Innovationspiloter för omställning – Ett regionalfondsprojekt som drivs av Uminova Innovation i samarbete med Umeå kommun och Skogstekniska klustret. Projektet ska driva komplexa piloter i samarbete med andra satsningar, varav de två ovan nämnda är några.
Medverkar gör:
Ellen Grahn, Innovationsledare Umeå Kommun
Jenny Åkermark, Umeå kommun och Botnia Green Energy
Maria Olofsson, Uminova Innovation och Ignite Sweden
Denna ERFA är en del av de löpande träffar för erfarenhetsutbyte som Ignite Sweden leder för offentliga aktörer. Syftet är att dela erfarenheter för att stärka offentlig sektors arbete med innovation.
Welcome to Open Office Hour, come speak to us on March 9!
We at Ignite exist to support startups reach commercial collaborations. We want to hear from you!
Sign up to speak to us in person and talk about:
- How we can better support your business
- Learn more about our process
- Share a bit about your company
- Answer and questions you have
- Have a coffee!
The Open Office Hours will be in the following locations with the following team members:
Malmö: Minc with Startup Community Manager Elijah Aldana
Gothenburg: Stena Center with Matchmaking Project Manager Filip Tiderman
Stockholm: Combient Zenit with Director of Strategic Partnerships Regina Summer
Örebro: Örebro University with Tech Lead Michell Hanna
Västerås: B26 with Key Partner Manager Niklas Sikström and our friends at Create Business Incubator
We ask that you register below so we know how much coffee to brew (and tell you how to get in)!
We look forward to seeing you there!
Applications for Sustaintech Matchday are now closed!
Collaboration is key to achieving a fossil-free future! Fourth edition of Sustaintech Matchday on November 28 in Stockholm will connect startups with solutions within energy and sustainability with corporates and public organizations.
At this matchmaking event, startups and scaleups with climate technologies and solutions with energy and sustainability relevance will have the opportunity to be matched with corporations and public organizations that have expressed prior interest in meeting your company. If the initial meeting proves successful, there will also be an opportunity for a follow-up meeting in the afternoon.
Sustaintech Matchday is arranged by Ignite Sweden and Sting in collaboration with KTH Innovation, KTH Holding and THINGS as part of the Sustainable Energy Action, funded by the Swedish Energy Agency.
Please note that this is an in-person event and meetings cannot be conducted online. Time is preliminary.
Applications for Sustaintech Matchday are now closed.
Our biggest matchmaking of the year is returning March 21-23, 2023! Sweden Innovation Days will connect corporates from ten countries to startups with innovative solutions to their specific needs.
Back for its third year, this matchmaking offers a unique opportunity for corporates, startups and public sector organizations from Sweden, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, India, Israel, Japan, South Korea, and the USA to meet and potentially create new business collaborations together.
The event will again focus on how innovation can increase environmental, social and economic sustainability. See below for a full list of the key areas we are looking for solutions within.
With 420+ planned meetings across all three days, between at least 60 corporates and 180 startups, Sweden Innovation Days is a fantastic opportunity to kickstart your international business connections.
Apply via the forms linked below. Please note that only startups and corporates from the ten participating countries are eligible for this event.
Deadline for corporates has now closed.
Deadline for startups has now closed
We are looking for solutions within:
AI & Machine Learning
Training of AI models
Natural Language Processing
Data management
HealthTech & MedTech
Skin microbiome technologies
Tools to measure responses to food and beverages
Biocompatible glue or adhesives
Innovations within storage and management of medical imagery
System solutions for elderly care in home/hospital setting
Condition indication of wound care products
Bladder and bowel diagnostics and infection mitigation
Endometriosis diagnostics
Genetic testing for hereditary cancer
Cell-free DNA purification
Methylation tests for rare diseases
Customer Care & Employee Engagement
Warehouse operations efficiency and working conditions
HR management tools
Nudging for increased UX and sustainable choices
Customer engagement
Resource & Environment
Carbon capture and storage
Biodiversity assessment and guidance
ESG reporting, tracking & monitoring
Climate models for water resource management
Sustainable cities, buildings and societies
Solutions for more sustainable, private households
Smart buildings and districts
Water & Wastewater
Water and fluid measuring and monitoring systems
Large scale dewatering of tailings from mining
Industrial waste water treatment
Other / Miscellaneous
Space tech
Metaverse, Web3, VR
Cyber security
Quantum computing
Insurance services, fraud detection
Forestry & Agriculture
Smart Forestry
Sustainable and biodiverse forestry
Sustainable fish farming
Energy Intelligence, Distribution & Storage
Energy demand forecasting
Energy system/grid management and optimisation
Energy ecosystems
Food & Beverages
Sustainable protein
Innovative cooking solutions
Whole foods, food enhancers and new ingredients
Industry & Manufacturing
Increased automation and decision support systems
Sustainable manufacturing
Predictive and prescriptive maintenance
5G & 6G technologies
Packaging & Materials
Sustainable packaging
Surface treatments
Advanced materials
Novel, sustainable materials
Recycling & Waste
Enabling/improving recyclability of bacteria-contaminated products
Recycling technologies for industries
Enabling technologies for circular economy in sanitation
Metal extraction from sludge or ashes
Detoxification of biomass combustion residues
Separation of cement waste
Renewable Energy & Energy Recycling
Energy generation and waste heat recovery in industries
Innovation in solar energy
Edge AI in renewable energy
Green hydrogen technologies
Transportation & Mobility
Logistics planning, demand forecasting, connected supply chain and goods tracking
Smart cooling and heating solutions for electric vehicles
Systems and sub-systems for autonomous driving/vehicles
Sweden Innovations Days are organized by Vinnova – Sweden’s innovation agency together with Energimyndigheten – the Swedish Energy Agency, Formas – a Swedish research council for sustainable development, SISP, Ignite Sweden, Business Sweden and AI Sweden.
The matchmaking is a part of the wider Sweden Innovation Days conference. This wider event will offer a platform for digital and physical meetings such as workshops, fireside chats, networking, knowledge sharing and matchmaking sessions as well as practical information about future network and funding opportunities. Find out more about the conference at
Letar du efter lösningar på en plast-relaterad utmaning? Eller har du lösningen? RE:Source & Ignite Sweden skapar nya möten med Sveriges mest innovativa startups – Fokus PLAST. LÄS MER OM PROGRAMMET HÄR
Välkommen till programmets INFO & BEHOVSINTRODUKTION
Första intromöte: den 28 april kl. 13.00-14.00 på Zoom!
Anmälan görs via detta formulär.
Välkomna & introduktion
I hela gruppen: (15-20 min)
- Syfte, och vad kan man förvänta sig
- IGNITE = Behov, matchningar och pilot-testprojekt. Hur går det till?
- Case /Exempel från IGNITE (Kommuner, företag & Startups)
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Break Out sessions: (20 min)
A) Prova på – smakprov på behovsworkshop/intervju : FÖR BEHOVSÄGARE
- En första behovsgenomgång, med exempel på hur Ignite kan matcha mot just dina behov, hur startups kan möta det med nya perspektiv
- En första klustring och prioritering av behov
B) Hur fungerar Ignite/matchmaking/pilot för startup : FÖR START-UPS
- Tips inför möten, vad är matchmaking, vad kan en pilot innebära,
- Erfarenhetsutbyte mellan startups, exempel på lösning som tillkommit efter match
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Gemensam sammanfattning och nästa steg med IGNITE
- Sammanfattning/exempel på behov som dök upp
- Exempel på lösningar/startups som kan lösa behov
- Introduktion till “vad händer sen”
- dedikerad individuell behovsworkshop (nytt datum sätts)
- deltagande i Ignite Matchday (nytt datum)
- uppföljning efter matchning, stöd i prio/sållning och uppföljning mot ev pilot
- upphandling/inköpsfunktion av pilot-tester, vilket stöd ger Ignite
- Behov av erfarenhetsutbyte (bokas upp separat efteråt för de som vill)
> Ignite kommer sedan söka startups med lösningar för era behov
Nya datum bokade för de som vill, samt att vi återkommer efteråt med nya inbjudningar.
Letar du efter lösningar på en plast-relaterad utmaning? Eller har du lösningen? RE:Source & Ignite Sweden skapar nya möten med Sveriges mest innovativa startups – Fokus PLAST. LÄS MER OM PROGRAMMET HÄR
Välkommen till programmets INFO & BEHOVSINTRODUKTION
Första intromöte: den 12 maj kl. 10.00-11.00 på Zoom!
Anmälan görs via detta formulär.
Välkomna & introduktion
I hela gruppen: (15-20 min)
- Syfte, och vad kan man förvänta sig
- IGNITE = Behov, matchningar och pilot-testprojekt. Hur går det till?
- Case /Exempel från IGNITE (Kommuner, företag & Startups)
— — — — — — — — — — —
Break Out sessions: (20 min)
A) Prova på – smakprov på behovsworkshop/intervju : FÖR BEHOVSÄGARE
- En första behovsgenomgång, med exempel på hur Ignite kan matcha mot just dina behov, hur startups kan möta det med nya perspektiv
- En första klustring och prioritering av behov
B) Hur fungerar Ignite/matchmaking/pilot för startup : FÖR START-UPS
- Tips inför möten, vad är matchmaking, vad kan en pilot innebära,
- Erfarenhetsutbyte mellan startups, exempel på lösning som tillkommit efter match
— — — — — — — — — —
Gemensam sammanfattning och nästa steg med IGNITE
- Sammanfattning/exempel på behov som dök upp
- Exempel på lösningar/startups som kan lösa behov
- Introduktion till “vad händer sen”
- dedikerad individuell behovsworkshop (nytt datum sätts)
- deltagande i Ignite Matchday (nytt datum)
- uppföljning efter matchning, stöd i prio/sållning och uppföljning mot ev pilot
- upphandling/inköpsfunktion av pilot-tester, vilket stöd ger Ignite
- Behov av erfarenhetsutbyte (bokas upp separat efteråt för de som vill)
> Ignite kommer sedan söka startups med lösningar för era behov
Nya datum bokade för de som vill, samt att vi återkommer efteråt med nya inbjudningar.
Välkommen till en interaktiv förmiddag tillsammans med Uppsala kommun och Ignite Sweden den 8 oktober.
Under förmiddagen kan du lyssna till ett inspirerande samtal kring offentlig sektor och öppen innovation. Var med när Uppsala kommun inviger Innovationslabbet, Uppsalas nya idéverkstad. Du kommer också kunna prova på hur Ignite Public matchar olika behov med innovativa startups.
En förmiddag för att bli inspirerad, knyta nya kontakter och ladda erfarenhetsbanken! Eventet sker online på Zoom den 8 oktober mellan kl 8:30 och 11:30. En del av Innovationsveckan 2020.
Uppsala kommun och innovation
Uppsala kommun har 18 000 anställda i över 10 förvaltningar och lika många bolag. Vi står inför samma demografiska utmaning som övriga landet. Samtidigt kommer staden att växa kraftigt med mycket höga ambitioner för hållbar stadsutveckling. Därför behöver vi satsa på innovation för att bli så hållbara som möjligt. Kommunledningen har därför, innan sommaren, tagit fram en plan för hur kommunen med tillräcklig hastighet ska kunna möta utmaningarna och nyttja möjligheterna i den utveckling som kommer .
Let’s celebrate the collaboration heroes and the new successful cases born this year at Ignite Awards 2020 on 16 December.
Ignite Awards 2020 prizes startups, large companies and public sector organizations for their outstanding collaboration efforts.
The program for the online event includes first-hand information about the new collaborations born this year and other interesting presentations.
We count on you for the celebration!
A digital matchday where corporates established in France, Germany & Sweden meet AI startups featured in the European AI Startup Landscape. Part of the Swedish-French-German Innovation Initiative.
More info coming soon!
Preliminary agenda:
8:00-8:30 Introduction (Session 1)
8:30-12:00 Matchmaking meetings (Session 1)
12:00-13:00 Lunch break
13:00-13:30 Introduction (Session 2)
13:30-17:00 Matchmaking meetings (Session 2)
17:00-17:30 Break
17.30-19.00 Executive Round Table (only for corporate participants)
The European AI Startup Matchday 2021 is a co-hosted by AI Sweden, appliedAI by UnternehmerTUM (Germany), Hub France IA and Ignite Sweden, in cooperation with the Swedish Embassies in Berlin and Paris. Funded by Vinnova – Sweden’s Innovation Agency. The matchday is part of the Swedish-French-German Innovation Initiative & the International Innovation Initiative, a platform to strengthen Sweden’s strategic promotion of innovation.
How to apply to the European AI Startup Matchday 2021
Application for corporates:
Application for startups: Apply here if you have already signed up to Ignite Magic:
If you haven’t signed up yet, you should register your startup first to be able to apply to this event:
IMPORTANT: Once you are logged in to Ignite Magic and you have completed your company’s profile, you must sign up for the European AI Startup Matchday 2021 at “Events”, otherwise you won’t be registered as a participant.
If you have participated in an Ignite Sweden event before, you already have an account on the platform. Please don’t create a new account as we have all the information that you provided us in your existing account. If you cannot remember your username or password, please contact us at and we will send you the instructions.
Please note that our matchmaking meetings are carefully curated based on a potential business opportunity. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that there will be any matches for your startup or how many meetings each startup will get, but what we can guarantee is that every meeting will have a real business potential.
OBS! Preliminary time. Opened to startups, large companies and public organizations established in Sweden, France and Germany.
Last chance for startups to join Ignite Smart Cities on June 1!
Together with Kista Science City, we invite startups to a new edition of Ignite Smart Cities on June 1, a matchmaking session where you can meet corporates and public sector organizations looking for innovative technology for smart cities.
This is a fantastic opportunity to explore potential collaborations and ways you can work together with established companies and municipalities to shape tomorrow’s smart cities for the better.
Assa Abloy, E.ON, IBM, IHI Corporation, Kalmar Municipality, LeanLink, the City of Linköping, Sveriges Allmännyttas Digitaliseringsintiativ (through Narvalen, which represents 100+ public housing companies), Toyota Material Handling Europe and Växjöbostäder are some of the companies and municipalities joining the event.
They are looking for startups with expertise in these areas:
- AI solutions for impact measurement
- Citizen communication management
- Digital solutions used in everyday life
- IoT & mobile access
- Logistic flows optimization
- Recycling
- Scheduling and time-tracking management tools
- Security & safety
- Sharing economy: digital ecosystems & digital flows within cities
- Smart Building: Building permits (site-plan drawings), and land and development’s economic flows
- Smart cities & homes
- Smart error reporting
- Social innovations against segregation and to improve elderly communities
- Solar cells
- The digital workplace
- Tools for behavioural change towards energy and sustainability
Ignite Smart Cities will be held online as a part Kista Mobility Day. Co-hosted with Kista Science City & Urban ICT Arena.
Applications for corporates and public organizations close on Monday, 10 May.
Applications for startups close on Sunday, 16 May.
How to join Ignite Smart Cities 2021
Application for corporates:
Application for the public sector:
Application for startups: Apply here if you have already signed up to Ignite Magic:
If you haven’t signed up yet, you should register your startup first to be able to apply to this event:
IMPORTANT: Once you are logged in into Ignite Magic and you have completed your company’s profile, you must sign up for Ignite Smart Cities 2021 at “Events”, otherwise you won’t be registered as a participant.
If you have participated in an Ignite Sweden event before, you already have an account on the platform. Please don’t create a new account as we have all the information that you provided us in your existing account. If you cannot remember your username or password, please contact us and we will send you the instructions.
Please note that our matchmaking meetings are carefully curated based on a potential business opportunity. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that there will be any matches for your startup or how many meetings each startup will get, but what we can guarantee is that every meeting will have a real business potential.